Lady Athena, Spaceperson. Part 2.

Boy, this information is getting pretty deep. I hope this isn't falling offf you backs like water on a ducks back. I want all of you people ready if and when the space people make their entrance, stage left. Here we go with some more deep stuff........................................... ..........................................................................

6. We are universal ambassadors of peace, peacemakers and peacekeepers. Our spaceships have no defense mechanisms whatsoever. Our committment to complete harmlessness in thought, word and deed serves as its own protection. We ever encourage unity, harmony and the peaceful co-existence of all.
7. The terms "command" and "commanders" refer to our self-elected duty of being in command of ourself and responsible for our positions of trust and stewardship at e command of the Lord God Most High and the Most Radiant One. (In no way do these terms imply an attitude of militancy.) A true commander walks in a spirit of humility and service in purest attunement to the divine directive.

8. We abide strictly within Confederation policy of noninterference with free will. While we may point out the possible consequences of some of your choices of action, we allow you to live, express and govern your lives and planaet as you choose. The only exception would be if your actions could jeopardize survival of your planet and populationas a whole or have repercussions throughout the rest of the solar system. We are, however, always available to respond to your specific requests for assistance. We are enthusiastic about joining with you in more conscious interaction and cocreative endeavour.

9. We honor all lilfe and all people as inherently divine. We recognize but one race, the race of humanity - heavenly universal Man.

(Man, manifestation of the One [AN]; also Manas, the divine mind or thinker and Hu-man, God-man the one who can know the heavenly universal divine self; also HU, an ancient word for God.)

We celebrate the great diversity within creation and honor all races, colors, creeds and governmental forms which honor indiviual right to freedom of expression and human rights. We love you unconditionally and hold the vision of Earth and its humanity as living, ascended, whole and joyously radiant in abundance and freedom.

10. We are the guardian action shepherding your Earth. ASH means shepherd, a Melchizedek elder. Ashtar is a code name for the one who oversees as commander the administrative fleets of the Most Radiant One, Sananda. Athena is the counterpart energy of Ashtar and is the aspect often sent forth into objective form to serve by sharing wisdom through teaching and activating the starseed. Thus Ashtar and Athena can function separately or as two rays combined in one form, the code name for this funciton being Astar-Athena; or they can funciton upon comic levels as a vast oversoul consciousness or star family of Ahstar and Athena encodements. The name often seen liked with Ashtar's, SherAn, is a code name that refers to one who has come into this universal sector to assist in resurrecting and ascending a planetary world from the involutionary codes of 666, into those of resurrectied life eternal, or 999, therby resplicing, as it were, a planetary world back into the tree of life everlasting. It specifically refers to one working with the energies of salvation, the restoral of a world to the Divine Plan through the Christ pattern. The lineage of AN or ON appears at the beginning and ending of major cycles as teachers of the universal law of Oneness. We do not have names as you understand them. We have code designations which represent our divine functions.

JW Well I'm headed for the wagon these shoes are killing me.

Part 2.

Source Of Information: SEDONA, Journal of EMERGENCE, P.O. Box 1526, Sedona, Arizona 86339, 602/282-6523 or FAX 602/282-4130.

Remember: When things go wrong, don't go wrong with them.

John Winston.

Original file name: Lady Athena 2

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